Public Speaking Cure Blogs

Why CBT is the best way to overcome the fear of public speaking fear of public speaking Jan 09, 2023

Why CBT is the best way to overcome the fear of public speaking

The importance of overcoming the fear of public speaking

Public speaking anxiety, also known as glossophobia, is a common fear that affects many people. It's the feeling of nervousness or dread that comes with the thought of speaking in front of a group of people, whether it be in a meeting, presentation, or other public forum. For some, this fear can be so severe that it prevents them from participating in important professional or personal opportunities.

But overcoming the fear of public speaking is crucial for personal and professional development. Being able to speak confidently in front of others can open up doors for career advancement, improved communication with colleagues and clients, and greater self-esteem. It's a valuable skill that can have a positive impact on all aspects of life. So, it is important to find ways to overcome this fear and improve public speaking skills.

How CBT can be used to address public speaking anxiety

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the relationship between an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is based on the idea that negative thoughts and beliefs can lead to unhealthy behaviors and emotions. CBT aims to identify and change these negative thought patterns, which can ultimately lead to positive changes in behavior and emotion.

CBT can be used to address a variety of mental health concerns, including public speaking anxiety. The goal of CBT for public speaking anxiety is to help individuals identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their anxiety. This may include identifying and refuting irrational beliefs about speaking in public, such as "I will make a fool of myself" or "Everyone will judge me." CBT can also involve exposure to gradually increasing levels of public speaking situations, in order to build confidence and decrease anxiety.

In addition to challenging negative thoughts, CBT for public speaking anxiety may also include learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to manage physical symptoms of anxiety. Overall, the goal of CBT is to help individuals develop the skills and confidence needed to successfully speak in public.

Research studies demonstrating the effectiveness of CBT for public speaking anxiety

There is strong evidence to support the effectiveness of CBT for the treatment of public speaking anxiety. In a review of the literature on the topic, researchers found that CBT was consistently effective in reducing public speaking anxiety and improving public speaking performance.

One study found that individuals with public speaking anxiety who received CBT experienced significant reductions in anxiety and improvements in public speaking performance compared to those who did not receive treatment. Another study found that CBT was more effective than a control condition in reducing public speaking anxiety and increasing self-confidence in speaking in public.

In addition to research studies, there are also many examples of individuals who have successfully used CBT to overcome their fear of public speaking. For example, one individual credited CBT with helping them to go from being too anxious to speak in front of a small group to being able to give presentations to large audiences. Another individual reported that CBT helped them to feel more confident and prepared when speaking in public, and as a result, they were able to pursue leadership roles that they previously would have avoided due to their anxiety.

Overall, the evidence suggests that CBT is a highly effective treatment for public speaking anxiety and can help individuals to improve their public speaking skills and confidence.


Online CBT coach and CBT course to help overcome the fear of public speaking and save money and travel expenses as well as time

There are a number of options for finding an online CBT coach or course to help overcome the fear of public speaking. Here are a few ways to get started:

Search online directories: Many therapists and coaching organizations maintain online directories that allow you to search for practitioners by location, specialty, and other criteria. You can use these directories to find a CBT coach or course that offers online services.

Look for online therapy platforms: There are a number of online therapy platforms that offer virtual CBT sessions with licensed therapists. These platforms often have a wide selection of therapists to choose from and allow you to schedule sessions at a time that is convenient for you.

Consider a self-guided CBT course: There are also a number of self-guided CBT courses available online that can help you to learn the principles of CBT and apply them to your specific concerns. These courses can be a cost-effective way to learn CBT skills and work on overcoming your fear of public speaking at your own pace.

Using an online coach or course can be a convenient and cost-effective way to receive CBT for public speaking anxiety. It can save you money on travel expenses and allow you to fit treatment into your schedule more easily. It's important to note, however, that online therapy may not be suitable for everyone, and it may be necessary to seek in-person treatment depending on your specific needs and circumstances.


In conclusion, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for public speaking anxiety. It can help individuals to identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their anxiety, and learn skills to manage anxiety and speak confidently in public.

There is strong evidence to support the effectiveness of CBT for public speaking anxiety, and many individuals have successfully used CBT to overcome their fear of speaking in front of others. CBT can be accessed through in-person therapy, online coaching or courses, or a combination of both.

If you struggle with public speaking anxiety, it is highly recommended to seek out CBT as a solution. With the help of a qualified CBT therapist or coach, you can develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in public speaking and pursue the opportunities that may have previously been out of reach due to your anxiety. Don't let fear hold you back any longer – take the first step towards overcoming your public speaking anxiety with CBT.

How I Overcame My Fear Of Public Speaking (Glossophobia) Forever and Why it's Relevant to YOU! fear of public speaking glossophobia Aug 01, 2022



Hey guys, Bob Summa here welcome back to public speaking cure the only channel on YouTube that is dedicated to helping you get over your fears and phobias, especially with public speaking, if you have them.

So in today's video I'm going to go over my very first panic attack associated with public speaking, but more importantly, how it's relevant to you and your story. And as you'll see, 99% of all the information you've been told out there is just incorrect, and that is how it's relevant to you. Because if you're like me, 20 years ago, you've been looking on the internet researching blogs, you've probably taken seminars you probably coaches might even try medication, only to find out that everything out there, is just 100% Incorrect when it comes to how you get over your fears or phobias of public speaking.

So before we dive into my story. I'm going to use a really cheesy 80s movie analogy I just love using these because it really helps explain my story and how you can kind of relate to him, and I'm sure everybody out there wants to karate kid in. If you watch The Karate Kid, everybody remembers Danielson right data someone's getting bullied in school he's getting his butt kicked. He was in a new place, and he hated going to school and he was avoiding school, right, and kind of like we avoid public speaking because we're afraid of it, and then he found his Mr. Miyagi. Well, before I go into my story. At the end you will see what happened to me so stay tuned as it goes my story and how it relates to the Karate Kid. So back when I was 27 years old, I was doing really great at my company was called Westinghouse and for those who don't know Westinghouse Westinghouse in the 90s was like the Google and Walmart, and maybe even Apple, maybe combined, it was that big, and maybe not that big but it was pretty big company, and I was literally the youngest manager. In Westinghouse history. At the age of 26. So I'm 27 years old, and I was invited to a speaking engagement down in your city from one of my clients. I was really jumping at that opportunity right how much better can I just keep that trajectory going upwards and up that corporate ladder so I was really excited to do this. I go down, I'm on the train. I got my computer with me, I got my briefcase with me I'm looking sharpened by Sue, you know, I'm confident, I'm young, and I'm gonna do a presentation for this boardroom, and that's when it happened.

So I walk into the building, and I go into the boardroom and all sudden, boom, it hit me only, it wasn't really a boom, it was more of a whoosh, feeling that came over me, and that was feeling that came over me happened when I wanted that room and I looked into that, and I saw 75 people in there, or maybe more, And I was really honestly expecting like 15 people. I was not expecting a large audience 75 people. And as soon as I walked in I saw the people in all their eyes when I meet definitely hit me as broke out to media sweat. My client is like, this is Bob Zuma, and he's gonna do a presentation on the Westinghouse systems.

I looked over and there's a podium, and there's a screen, and she was about to have me stand in front of that huge room and do the whole presentation from that standpoint at that podium, and I had a panic attack. So, I get this weird feeling over me, and I looked at her, she saw me in it she was like, are you okay with me. Are you okay, the eyes really only empty she asked me that she was more like that facial expression of, oh my god, are you alright, and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom really quick. So I run into the bathroom. I'm hyperventilating, I'm sweating and I'm just throwing water all over my body, I'm trying to move my hair I'm trying to move my Sue, but I was pretty cold water on my face, and I was hyperventilating, and I looked at my hands were shaking. And I had this anxious voice going in my head. My heart was pounding out of my heart. And I was like what's going on with me my dying here what was happening. And that's when I realized I was having my first panic attack and never have well before, never had a panic attack my entire life. So, it really hit me hard. So I did go back into the room.

And I asked him to sit down. In, she knew I was in a bad place. If you let me sit down and do my presentation there, and I battled through it, I battled through with the shaky hands i i was drinking water and I saw my hand shaking, you can water I felt my heart pounding through my voice the quivering of my voice, so I never wanted to experience that experience again, I was humiliated when I walked out of that room, I went from top of my game, young 27 Going up the corporate ladder to literally a freefall, and I hit rock bottom there, I knew I never want to feel that feeling again. So I went into an avoidance pattern, I knew the higher you go up that corporate ladder, the more presentations, you get to give, because that's what they do, when you become a director or VP or higher, you do a lot of presenting you're always on that stage or talking to your company. So, I took a sideways step. And I didn't want to go up that ladder I took a different route and in, I'll go into that more later but basically I want to avoid public speaking at all costs, but it wasn't like an inch wide thing. I tried everything out there, I tried all the seminars, I tried coaches and read books, and I even, nothing was working for me. I even went to a psychiatrist in tried medications and thank God I hadn't learned reactions with medications because, honestly, now I know better, that the stuff really works. When it comes to overcoming your fears and phobias that are associated with public speaking. So, all those years. I avoided public speaking. And fast forward, I find my Mr Miyagi, in here's where the movie comes back into play. So fast forward 20 years later and I'm in Tokyo. I'm about to meet my clients the next day and I was studying my presentation notes and I started thinking, wow, what did they have me stand up. This was a new group I'd never met before and I was really afraid that they might have me stand in front of the room, and I didn't know how big the audience was going to be when you go out there, you're expected maybe 1520 But they can can have 50 people. So I started having that fear come back to me, the same one I had 20 years prior. So I did what I always do, for the 1,000th time I go on Google Japan like Google's fear the phobia of public speaking, but I forgot I was in Japan so they came up in Japanese.

And that's when I found my Mr Miyagi, who was one at just one ad in English if I clicked on it, there was a person who who actually specializes in panic attack. It also fiercer phobia public speaking. So I contacted the office, and he was busy in us he was two hours away, he wasn't even in Tokyo. But he said a few words to me in a wrestling words on the on the other website that's never heard before, nothing that was ever practiced in the United States was actually counterintuitive to everything I've read about getting over your fears of public speaking so I stuck with them. I stuck with my Mr Miyagi, and I paid a lot of money for him but I thought this was the best investment in myself for my career and for my life, because my life took a turn to. Don't forget, not just your career that takes a huge hit, but I declined being the best men for my friend because I didn't want to get the best speech in front of 300 people. I never want to get on stage new karaoke with my friends, I just said I was a bad singer. Actually, I'm not a bad singer, but I didn't want to get on stage and sing in front of people is all that fear phobia of being in front of people. So I stopped with him, and I paid, I think about $5,000 in over four to five weeks, he literally cured. And when I say cured me, I'm talking about. I've never had a panic attack. In over seven years, and now I'm like the public speaker from my from my department my company, I speak in front of the entire company, I speak about the entire departments. Do I get nervous. Yeah, everybody gets nerves, but this is normal nerves, this isn't that anxiety attack. So since then, I know, research, a lot about the phobia fears I want to learn more about what Miyagi told me by Mr Miyagi, he told me everything but I want to research more. So what I did was I really deep research, to all the top Ivy League professors in psychology and the top universities, I learned a lot more Adler, the reason why the whole reasoning behind it, which really helped me since since then. I'm now certified so what I did was I tutor on elite psychology at a London, and I passed the rigorous test, and I am now officially a certified mental health ambassador, which means I am now able to help people with their fears the phobia legally. So, that's my story. And I wanted to share that with you because I think you can probably relate to it, it's a relatable story for a lot of people, because, as I've said before, claustrophobia. Also, which is the official term for public speaking is the biggest phobia, in the world. 95% of people out there have some nerves of public speaking, but again 80% That's a big chunk 80% of people have the moderate to severe, severe being the most of your being panic attacks like I have, so you're not alone. And I'm here to tell you that I can help you overcome using my methodologies. And again, in my signature method. I do not use exposure therapy which is one of the biggest things that everybody out there gets wrong, they always want you to do the practice makes perfect. In studying your content and nailed the first 30 in, you just have to be, you know it's not golf, it's not like you just keep broke up here to get in Destiny overcome your fear phobia. If you go up there you have that experience like I did, I can tell you that you're never gonna do it again. So is not like other phobias, where exposure is the answer. When it comes to public speaking. That is not the answer. Exposure therapy does not work, and I will show you my signature theory, my signature method, that really works the best in. I'm living proof of it. So if you're excited, don't forget to hit the subscribe button, there's gonna be a lot more for me, I'm going to be your Mr Miyagi and Daniel son. If you're out there, I'm here to help you out. It was great talking to you today. I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope that you found helps kind of relates to you, because again you are not alone when it comes to this fear and phobia of public speaking thing.

Learn about my personal transformation to overcome my fear of public speaking (Glossophobia) and how it is relevant to YOU!

Welcome to Public Speaking Cure; the ONLY channel on Youtube that is dedicated to helping you overcome and get over your fear of public speaking. Statistics show that the fear of public speaking is the most common phobia, also known as glossophobia.

Many people fear speaking or presenting more than death. Some people call it stage fright or public speaking anxiety. Some even get panic attacks. This channel is dedicated to helping you overcome and conquer your fears and phobias of public speaking (glossophobia /stage fright) with proven techniques, tips, and practices.

My one of a kind SIGNATURE method uses a NON-EXPOSURE therapy, which is unlike 99% of ALL speaking programs, corporate seminars, presentation coaches, and stage fright specialists out there. Using my proven method only taught in the Top Ivy League and Universities, you will quickly overcome ANY level of fear, anxiety, stage fright, and even panic attacks associated with Public Speaking (Glossophobia), presenting, speeches, and social networking to EMPOWER you with a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION to reach both your career, life aspirations.

Robert Summa: Certified Public Speaking Phobia Expert & Coach Specialties: Glossophobia (fear of public speaking), stage fright, presenting, communication skills, motivation, anxiety, panic attacks

CLICK HERE for your FREE Public Speaking Self Assessment Test PDF & 20% Promo Code off my course dure for launch in September 2021:

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Debunked Myths for Fear of Public Speaking Debunked (Glossophobia) fear of public speaking glossophobia Aug 01, 2022

Today we will discuss the Truth About the Fear of Public Speaking! Is Everything You Learned Wrong? You may be SHOCKED to learn was is making your fears and phobias worse!

Welcome to Public Speaking Cure; the ONLY channel on Youtube that is dedicated to helping you overcome and get over your fear of public speaking. Statistics show that the fear of public speaking is the most common phobia, also known as glossophobia.

Many people fear speaking or presenting more than death. Some people call it stage fright or public speaking anxiety. Some even get panic attacks. This channel is dedicated to helping you overcome and conquer your fears and phobias of public speaking (glossophobia /stage fright) with proven techniques, tips, and practices.

My one of a kind SIGNATURE method uses a NON-EXPOSURE therapy, which is unlike 99% of ALL speaking programs, corporate seminars, presentation coaches, and stage fright specialists out there. Using my proven method only taught in the Top Ivy League and Universities, you will quickly overcome ANY level of fear, anxiety, stage fright, and even panic attacks associated with Public Speaking (Glossophobia), presenting, speeches, and social networking to EMPOWER you with a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION to reach both your career, life aspirations.

Robert Summa: Certified Public Speaking Phobia Expert & Coach Specialties: Glossophobia (fear of public speaking), stage fright, presenting, communication skills, motivation, anxiety, panic attacks


#PublicSpeakingCure #RobertSumma #FearOfPublicSpeaking

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