Do You FEAR Public Speaking?

Transform Your Public Speaking Anxiety into Confidence - Join 1000+ Success Stories!

Discover How Robert's Proven Method Helps You Speak Without Fear in Just 21 Days


Get Your Free Speaking Anxiety Score & Unlock Your Free Video Training Class

I start where all others fall short.

I am NOT "them". If you're tired of the useless blogs, YT videos, or all the carbon copy corporate seminar coaches waiting to max out your credit card, only to dish out surface level tips like:

  • "know your your content"
  • "practice in front of your mirror"
  • "try deep breathing techniques"

Then I have great news - you are FINALLY in the RIGHT place.

Let me start off with saying it's not their fault.  These are content experts.  They are NOT certified in fear response, or the intricacies of treating your powerful phobia of public speaking (Glossophobia). 

Even worse - ALL those exposure and breathing tips they provide are for the wrong type of phobia, and actually empower this very unique type. Yep - they hurt you more than help you.

Starting today that all ends!

You are literally just 28 days from a fear-free, or really, a Speaking PHOBIA free life. I even guaranteed it. Something they'll never do because they bat a 1% success rate. Mine is closer to 99%, so I have the luxury of mega guarantees.

Sound good? Great!  It's time to get going. No time to waste - we have lots of ground to cover today.

Our UNIQUE Online Course & Coaching Targets Your:

High Public Speaking Anxiety, Fast pounding heart, dread, sweating, shaky hands, quivering voice, sleepless nights, tunnel vision, brain freeze, and panic attacks.

Our BIG Promise: Spending just minutes per day, from the comfort of your home, our solution uses scientifically proven methods to eliminate the fear of public speaking within 4-5 weeks... without the need to practice in front of people... guaranteed.


This Quiz & Class is for you: If you experience the pounding heart, dread, sweating, quivering voice, shaky hands, avoidance, sleeplesss nights, high anxiety, brain freeze and panic.

Next Step: Take the Free Speaking Anxiety Assessment to learn which of the 5 categories you fall into from low to severe.

Then Watch Your Free "How to Overcome Public Speaking Phobia" Training.

✅ Take the FREE Fear of Public Speaking Quiz and get your Personal Score in 15 seconds. 

✅ Get your Category Type Expert Analysis.

✅ Access your FREE Video "How to Overcome Public Speaking Phobia" Training.

🎁 Receive TWO Surprise Bonuses IMMEDIATELY when you take the Quiz today.

🎁 ** Unlock Your LIMITED TIME 20% Promo Code) for all course & coaching options when you take the FREE quiz & workshop.

*Short on time at this moment? No worries - replay links will be provided!

Get Your Free Speaking Anxiety Score & Unlock Your Free Video Training Class

Anxious about an upcoming presentation or speech and need my help FAST?

If you have an upcoming presentation within 3 weeks or want to know more about my Executive VIP Fast Track Program to conquer your fear of public speaking, take the Quiz and follow instructions.

Hear what my successful clients are saying!



From NFL QB to Indianappolis Colts Offensive Coordinator

"Bob's coaching was a game-changer for me. Transitioning from NFL quarterback to Colts Offensive Passing Coordinator brought new challenges, especially public speaking. Bob helped me in just three weeks; incredible fast-track. With his guidance, I channeled my adrenaline into confidence, excelling in presenting films and plans to the team and coaching staff. Bob's expertise made all the difference. He's not just a great coach; he's a true difference-maker."

From Miami News Anchor to Board Room Executive

"After years serving as a WSVN Channel 7 News Anchor in Miami, I joined senior management at major corporation... and while always cool on camera, I quickly realized boardroom meeting presentations were a different animal, and my nerves were high.  After reaching out and working with Bob, in just a few weeks I was as cool in the boardrooms as I was anchoring live TV.  Bob is a pro and knows what he is doing."



Jim P.

"Bob is a life changer...I was promoted to client sales and almost quit my job due to fear of presenting. Bob's coaching literally cured my anxiety. Now I love presenting and visiting clients isn't so bad anymore; even as an introvert!"

"Plus he's fun to work with!"

Sales Engineer


"Until I met Bob, my heart would pound, and my fear of public speaking anxiety was extremely high just going around a boardroom introducing ourselves.

I now jump in and lead entire boardroom discussions! Thanks Bob!"

Marketing Manager



"I recently had a panic attack while giving a speech on stage at a medical auditorium forum. I was terrified to get back on stage, but its what I do for a living. Then I found Robert. He literally saved my career as a professional speaker. He's a great every day guy"

Medical Sales Public Speaker

My SIGNATURE PublicSpeakingCURE Courses

I have TWO effective & affordable courses for you to choose from. Whether you're happy learning alone or would like support from myself, I have a course to suit you. Each come with optional payment plans.

The DIY Course

  • What is it?  100% online course for high to severe anxiety or nerves
  • Who is it for: A complete do-it-yourself course for those with more time on their hands or milder phobia category 4 or below.
  • How quickly does it work? Can be completed in as little as 4 weeks, but works to your own schedule.


  • What is it? An accelerated online course plus 4 sessions with Bob
  • Who is it for: High anxiety speakers who need to cure their phobia quickly!
  • How quickly does it work? Can be completed in as little as 3 weeks.
  • Under 3 weeks can reach a 60-75% alleviation in anxiety for upcoming speaking event.

Looking for a custom option for your organization?

Get in touch to discuss the right plan for you.

All my courses come with a 14 day money back guarantee.

I'm Robert Summa

After being awarded as the youngest manager in Westinghouse Corporation history at the confident age of 25 in 1994, I was hit over the head with a PANIC ATTACK right as I walked up to the podium in front of 75 people. Not exactly the way I expected to start my budding career!

I developed Public Speaking Phobia... a CRUSHING blow to my career and confidence.

After spending years and wasting 10s of thousands of dollars on multiple speaking coaches, seminars, doctors, and even psychiatrist prescribed medications... and spinning my wheels for almost 18 years... I found my HERO. A researcher in Japan that specialized in CBT for this Unique Phobia and Panic Attacks.

For over 10 years, I'm back on track, as one of the leading primary speakers at my company, promoted into senior leadership and extremely successful. Now I'm paying it forward after earning ISO Certifications in Public Speaking Phobia & Panic Attacks.

I now know EVERYTHING taught out there is INCORRECT when it comes to beating this very unique and powerful phobia. All those deep-breathing techniques and "exposure - practice makes perfect" methods actually make your phobia 9-35x worse.

I use what I've learned to help people just like you to become Fearless, confident, and successful.


60 Second VIDEO: Warren Buffet & Bill Gates on Criticality of Public Speaking for Career Advancement:

"PUBLIC SPEAKING is an ASSET that will last you 50-60 years... and it's a LIABILITY if you don't do it that will also last 50-60 years. Its a necessary skill. Its a talent that will pay HUGE dividends"


"Knowledge is Knowing; Wisdom is DOING!"

Ready to Cure Your Fear of Public Speaking?

This 30 second quiz will give you a diagnosis, plus a 50 minute workshop and 20% off promo code.

Yes! Take the FREE Speaking Anxiety Quiz & Workshop

100% Risk Free 14 Day Trial Offer & Money Back Guarantee on ALL Courses

My Exclusive PURCHASE INSURANCE GUARANTEE is Designed for Your Success!

For the same reason you wouldn't buy a house without 1st looking at the inside,  you can't make a 100% informed decision right now from the outside; and I know this. So, I want you to feel totally protected while making your informed decision during your 14 day trial on any courses you sign up for.

So get on the inside and see if everything we say on my site and workshop is true and valuable to you. Then if it is, THAT is when you decide to keep it.  If it's not for you, no hard feelings.

 Just email me. No hassles.

This is the BEST Guarantee and BEST Program on the market designed for 100% satisfaction and results!

Contact me directly with any questions

Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.

Free speaking tips and bonus content when you contact me!

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