FAQs - What to Expect from My Courses:
Q: What is the outcome from your online course?
A: You will completely overcome your fear and phobia of public speaking forever.
The fear of public speaking is my expertise. Although it might feel like you are alone, or that you have it worse than anyone else, you are not alone and my unique program is designed to help you like no other treatment on the professional market.
Q: I'm SKEPTICAL. This all sounds too good to be true. Will this REALLY work for me?
A1: Almost everyone I worked with was skeptical or at least cautious at first. Within the 1st lessons of the course on day 1, that uncertainty will completely vanish. On top my 14 day trial guarantee makes this a no-brainer to try out. I have had 0% refund requests and 100s of emails and calls with happy successful clients. It's a true transformational course; nothing here is surface level.
A2: I use THREE IVY LEAGUE UNIVERSITY methods to GUARANTEE your success NO MATTER how severe you phobia is from low to moderate to high to severe to severe + panic attacks. So my answer is 99% Yes. The 1% is up to you to follow through!
Q: How fast does it work?
A1: With my SIGNATURE DIY course you will feel immediate shifts after spending just minutes a day in Phase 1. Complete Cure, if you follow protocol is 4 weeks.
A2: With my DWY & FAST TRACK courses, a 70% improvement can be felt in just 14 days. 85% reduction in anxiety within 3 weeks and 99% reduction in 3-4 weeks.
12-24x faster & easier: Since the typical psychologist will take 12-24 months of bi-weekly appointments with co-pays and a LOT of missed time from work ... and my solution is only 2-4 weeks... that's 12-24x FASTER than your 2nd choice without ALL the hassle.
Q: Is it Easy? How much effort?
A: It's not only EASY... it's FUN! Everybody loves this course. Its just a few minutes a day from your laptop, tablet, phone... anywhere with a wifi or mobile signal and you're in! My 1:1 coaching sessions are fun zoom calls. Be prepared to laugh and enjoy the journey!
Q: How is this different from EVERY other presentation and speaking coachs' programs out there?
A: This is where we are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
Unlike all traditional speaking coaches & seminars that focus solely on content strategy and process, our ONE AND ONLY MISSION is to help you conquer your fear and speaking anxieties from low to severe... even panic attacks.
Our Solutions: Cannot be found anywhere else. Literally. Our online speaking phobia course and (optional) coaching programs are Extremely POWERFUL with a 99% client success rate. Both our Signature Method and *VIP Fast Track programs are patent pending.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Traditional coaches cannot ..IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM help you with a PHOBIA... their tactics make your phobia 9-35x stronger. ONLY my course or a spending months with a psychologist can help you overcome this powerful unique phobia. That's just a fact back up by Ivy League University Scholars.
Q: Every other program out there requires around $4000-$8000, travel, hotels, days away from family /work... and months of waiting for specific dates. How is this different?
Answer: My Online Course Solution offers a FAST IMMEDIATE implementation... so you can literally start today. No more waiting months to attend an in-person seminar with a bunch of strangers eating awful unhealthy food alone for 3 days, while away from work, your family and your LIFE.
HUGE Savings & Logistics: Because it's online... you save thousands on 2-3 days of travel, rental cars, Uber, packing suitcases, eating meals by yourself, and living in a tiny hotel for 3 days 2 nights.
I saw a thing actually, a study that said speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number one fear of the average person.
I found that amazing. Number two was death.
Death was number two.
This means to the average person, if you have to be a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.
Hey, friends. Welcome to how to overcome your public speaking phobia forever within just days from the comfort of your home and most importantly without needing to practice in front of people. So I hope you like that it'll open from Jerry Steinfeld. We're getting a lot of fun today.
It's gonna be very highly educational. We're gonna move kinda quickly because I know times of the essence, you don't have time to be sitting around for a one hour webinar. So we're gonna try to squeeze this as quickly as possible. Hopefully, I'm aiming for about thirty to forty minutes.
And at the tail end, I am gonna go over my program. So just to be set up at the end, I will go over how you wanna work with me after you learn everything about this phobia, what not to do from from now on, what we need to do to get over speaking phobia and, so we're just gonna have a lot of fun. I'm really excited, so let's move forward.
So is it true? Public speaking is the number one phobia in the world, Well, yes, at seventy eight percent, it actually does top depth itself. And from my own experience post COVID on findings growing even higher and higher, and now it's even impacted people who used to be able to speak on stages like CEOs and senior vice presidents. These are people that got up the ranks because they're public speaking, but coming out of COVID, They are now having a lot of issues getting back and socializing. So I am surprised how many people that I'm working with all my clients are actually at that level needing to get back on stage and needing a little bit of help after developing the phobia during COVID. So it just It's growing and basically we're here to help you get over it and over it forever.
So what's my big bold promise during this fast class Well, by the end of this thirty to forty five minute presentation, I'm going to change everything you've ever learned about the fear of public speaking, and I'm gonna provide you with the proven guaranteed, easy, fast, and achievable solution to literally obliterate your lifetime of public speaking anxiety and stays right within just twenty one days. And if you think twenty one days is a long time, it's actually really, really fast. When you have a lifetime of phobia. So, hands down, again, this is the fastest program out there. It can't be done any faster, but and that's just a proven technique. I'm gonna show you why it cannot be done. And now, as you're gonna learn, speaking coaches cannot help you with anxiety.
Now, psychologists can take about ten to twelve months and who has that kind of time, and we're going to even learn that medications will not work for this unique and powerful phobia. So if you're tired of this fear controlling your destiny in this really short time on earth, stick around for the next thirty five minutes, we're gonna have a lot of fun, education, and a lot of aha moments, and we don't have any time to waste.
So, my gift to you when you stay to the end. For everyone who stays to the end, I create a special gift, and all you need to do is to stay, nothing else you have to buy anything, but If you stay to the end, you're gonna get a free gift from me just for hanging out on this webinar. And again, we're aiming for thirty to forty five minutes. We'll see how fast we can get through it. Don't wanna speak too fast because, actually, my normal pace is more like this, but I'm gonna be speaking a little bit quickly to get through it faster.
So who is Robert Suma? Who am I? Well, I'm Robert Suma, and whether you heard of me or not, I'm LinkedIn trusted ISO certified speaking phobia expert, and I've helped well over seven hundred people conquer their phobia. And my unique solution and program is both intellectually and process approach patent pending approved. So it's been approved. It's patent pending, and I'm just going through the legal formalities now because this is going to be a once in a lifetime program that you're going to go through that nobody else has access to. Or can't provide.
So I work with highly recognized Fortune five hundred CEOs I've prepped senate politicians for debates. I've helped famous athletes get stage ready for hall famous speeches. I've transitioned celebrities to go from performing in front of cameras to getting on the big stages, and I've aided news anchors for major cities, and I've actually cured television ministers in infomercial celebrities. So I have a really deep rolodex of people at the very high end level. But of course, seventy percent of my clients are everyday corporate heroes just like you looking to overcome your fear so you can get promoted upwards into your organization and create a successful happy career in life with a lot of confidence.
And what is my why? Why am I doing this because life is short and y weighs seventy five percent of our lives with fears and regrets by not getting over this phobia.
My other big why? Well, not long ago, I was a lot like you, as a matter of fact, for almost twenty years, so I'm not going to go into my entire store. You can find it on YouTube and You see there on YouTube, you'll see karate kid, my mister Miyagi. That's my YouTube video.
So you can go there later on, take a look at it. But for over twenty years, I had the most severe form of public speaking phobia. As a matter of fact, my first panic attack occurred when I was walking into a room of seventy people and I went to go stand at that podium and boom, it hit me like a ton of bricks, right? And it was probably, to this day, One of the most embarrassing, humiliating moments of my life, and I never wanted that to happen again.
But I quickly found out there's just a huge missing gap for people like us, right? How to get over your phobia? There's just nothing out there. I couldn't find I tried all those seminars, all the speaking coaches.
I tried medication, psychiatrists. I tried everything out there. And that's where it lies. The problem and probably why you're here right now.
You probably tried many of those things. You probably read blogs and watched YouTube videos and taking speaking courses and toastmasters Maybe we were with your doctors and nothing helped. So for over twenty years, I tried everything and realized every fill promise that there's nothing out there for this really unique and powerful phobia. Nothing out there for the fear grip that is hardwired into our fear response part of our brain.
So true story, no joke, I actually found my solution by mistake while sitting in a hotel room in Tokyo Japan Googling fear of public speaking takes the night before a small presentation, and that's when I found my answer. I actually found a local phobia expert that specialize not only in glossophobia and glossophobia for you to know is the official term for fear of public speaking. But he also worked in panic attacks associated with it. And everything on the site was the exact opposite of everything I've heard from public speaking coaches and All those blogs I've been reading all those years, so I stuck with this guy.
So I connected to specialists and we Skype weekly for those who don't remember Sky Skype is like now like the Zoom calls. This is the video conferencing of yesterday, but I paid over five thousand dollars and I Skype weekly with this crazy sounding guy doing all these weird exercises for physiological, you know, the the pounding heart and stuff like that, and the psychological exercises in for about five weeks. And guess what guys? Literally, he cured me.
He literally cured my phobia in all my panic attacks associated with public speaking, and he profoundly changed my life.
So now I'm paying it forward, and I'm handing you the keys to get over your fall bill. So now years later, not on my certified under lead psychology out of London, but I've learned a ton more and I've created a three week solution that has changed hundreds of lives and I'm encroaching on about a thousand people now. And by the time you watch this video, I may even have surpassed a thousand people depending on when you're watching this. But just to show you how powerful this is in helping people at high levels, CEOs, you know, celebrities, news anchors, like I said, politicians for debates, I've done it all.
I even helped their kids. So a lot of people, came to me as senior vice president or CEOs, they love me so much. At the end of my third kids coming out of college, So now they're sending their kids to me. So it's just a wonderful way of changing people's lives and making this transformation forever.
So do you actually have a fear of phobia? We're gonna have a pop quiz assessment, and normally this would cost you probably several hundred dollars with a psychologist, but we're gonna get it done in just a few seconds today for completely for free because we really need to know if you have a follow-up yet. If you have a phobia, you need to stick around for the rest of this class. If you don't have a phobia, you're free to go.
But I think you're here for a reason. You're probably gonna find out you do have a phobia. Right? So let's start off with this one critical thing.
You probably do have a phobia and not a fear. Now we're going to test you real soon. Because if you have a phobia, then your brain is hardwired to respond to public speaking as if it's a physical, danger, or threat. Like a bear, a tiger, shark, a fire, a rattlesnake, or intruder in your home.
Right? So it's hardwired. If you have a phobia, that's why it's really important to stick around. And get your free assessment.
It's eight questions we're going to start in a couple seconds. So just to let you know, if we do have a phobia, that's why your body and brain is being bombarded with this cocktail of anxiety and renaline, cortisol, oxygen, and your logical brain freezes up with a seismic transfer of all this energy in your body to power up the fight or flight response in just microseconds.
It is triggering all those terrifying, you know, physiological fields like a pounding heart and a sweating, and the quivering voice and all those things, and of course your your inner anxious voice. So let's go into the pop quiz and find out right now. Do you have a phobia or are you free to go?
So, quiz question number one. Now, before we start quiz number one, I want you to look and see if you mostly strongly agree or agree with most of these questions because most people are in that category. If you're sitting here with me right now, you probably fall to. So you don't have to keep score or anything.
Just keep a mouth in mind. It's only eight questions. So just look and see if you strongly agree or agree with most of these things. And if you don't strongly agree and you're more like in a somewhat or disagree, you probably don't have a phobia.
So question number one, I get anxious when I think about a speech or presentation coming up. Do you strongly agree? Agree?
Okay. Number two. My heart beats really fast when I present our speech right before while I'm doing it. Strongly agree, or do you agree?
Question number three, this is a lot of people, My voice gets shaky or I lose my train of thought when I'm presenting or speaking in front of an audience.
Question number four, I perspire or I get cold hands just before starting a speech.
Question number five, I experienced considerable anxiety or panicky thoughts while sitting in a room just before my turn to speak or present in front of people.
Number six, my breathing becomes short or regular just before starting a speech.
Question number seven, right before getting up to speak, I experienced a dizzying rush coming over me, like a feeling of helplessness building up inside of me.
And last question number eight, I dread standing up in front of an audience, and I even avoid speaking or presenting as much as possible. You strongly agree or agree with most of these questions.
So how did you do? Well, you're like ninety nine percent of people, you fell into the strongly agree to agree on just about every single question. And if you're nodding your head right now, we're about to go over your results.
Okay, so if you're like most of my clients, you fell into the severe category and some of you might have fallen to the high, but no matter what, if you're still here, Your results came up as severe or high. And what that means is that you're locked into the highest categories of phobia, right? So it's critical to understand because right now, your brain is literally hardwired to set off the fight or flight response whenever you present or speak in front of people, right? Again, that's called glossophobia, which is the term for the phobia public speaking, also known as stage fright.
So, Severe's and highs, they typically avoid public speaking at all costs or have extreme anxiety, that dread, sweating, the pounding heart, quivering voice, the shaky hands, the brain freeze the um, s, and you may even experience panic attacks or sleepless nights when you have a speaking or presentation whether small or large coming up.
You may have even skipped out on promotions or put yourself in a precarious situation, accepting a promotion, that tends to have a lot of needs for presenting and speaking, especially at the higher ranks you go like Director or vice president or higher, and now you're always writing in the anxiety because you took that job and that job comes with the pressure to not only speak, but speak with extreme confidence and leadership in front of people.
So, I have good news. Great news, actually. And even though it might seem like you're all alone and stuck in this phobia by yourself, I'm here to tell you that there is a simple solution no matter how severe you are or even how long you've had this phobia.
So today, we're going to quickly demystify the phobia public speaking, put you on a road map to overcome your phobia in literally just a few weeks today as I've done for a hundred of my clients in encroaching on a thousand, if not surpassing it by the time you watch this. And that's why I create this fast class workshop quickly dive into the fundamentals of overcoming this powerful phobia forever.
So again, just to recap, Speaking phobia, roughly eighty percent of us have it. Right? We get major butterflies. We have high anxiety.
We don't sleep much the night before, but sixty seven percent. Sixty seven percent. Almost seventy percent of us are genuinely terrified of speaking in front of people and we avoid it at all costs. So this will let you know you're not alone.
It's just one of those things. It's it's like the taboo. People don't talk about it. And I don't know why because eight out of every ten people you meet have this phobia and a seven out of the time people you meet are terrified of it.
Let's go over public speaking coaches and seminars of why they cannot help you overcome your fear. And I'm gonna spend a little time on this. We need to debunk everything that public speaking coaches have taught us because everything they taught us is wrong. We need to undo everything we've been taught to this day in order to go forward because they've actually kept us in this fall, but I'm gonna prove it to you. So I call this mythbusters. We're gonna go over everything that they've taught us and why it is the exact opposite of what we need to be doing.
So let's just start off with the main thing. The main myth number one, you don't have a fear. You learn by now that you actually have a phobia and that your brain is hardwired to fear it. Holly speaking coaches, they can't help you with the phobia.
They don't have certifications of phobia anxiety attack, phobia attack. So we're gonna discover why they've been doing more damage than help.
It all has to do with that fight or flight response part of the brain. And just for you guys know is called the amygdala. That's our fear response part of the brain, right there you're seeing green It's really fast. It's really powerful. It was it was in charge of the fight or flight response. So, basically, right now, our brains are hardwired to fear public speaking.
Now, our amygdala is our best friend and it protects us from physical dangers or threats, keyword physical, like bears, tigers, intruders, fires, rattlesnakes, all those things that are physical dangers or threats.
Now, what we have is a phobia of public speaking. Now a phobia is an irrational fear of something And what's going on is your brain has mistakenly taken phobia and hardwire it into the amygdala, so our amygdala now thinks Public speaking is a physical danger threat, like those bears, rattlesnakes, and fires, and stuff like that. So that's why we're hardwired right now to fear it.
So, again, speaking coaches are not certified in phobias. They're not certified in the fight, flight, or fear response They're not certified in neuroscience, anxiety, or panic attacks. They can't help you at all.
So to be honest, we could just stop right there. But, heck, let's review a few more of those things that they teach us to actually have been making us worse just for more fun and more mythbusters.
So myth number two, just know your content, right? They always say know your content, study your content, know it inside out, practice your content. Well, I have a question for you.
If I told you that you had to go up in stage one hour from now. Okay. Think about that. If I told you, you had to go up on a stage with in front of a podium in front of two hundred people and simply present how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, versus for example, the quarterly results, wouldn't you get Eakly anxious about going up in front of, on a stage in front of two hundred people to present about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, all the heart pounding and the quivering voice and the shaky hands and all the umms?
Can I get a resounding yes? Well, it doesn't get any easier to make an peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Right? Bread, bread, peanut butter, jelly, slapping together got a sandwich, right? But yet, when you think about it, if I told you how to get up on a in front of two hundred people and orient two hundred people, your symptoms would be exactly the same.
How about myth number three? Just keep going up to that mic and practice. Practice practice practice practice. Practice makes perfect.
The more times you get to that mic, the better you're off, you're gonna be. Right? You're gonna go over your phobia. It's gonna be okay.
You just have to keep practicing.
Well, let's go back to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So, if your first experience standing on that stage, at the podium found out two hundred people to present how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was horrible with dread and anxiety and the sweating, the pounding heart and quivering voice and the shaking hands and the umms, Well, what makes thinking doing it again and again the very next day or the next week would make it any better easier? Well, it wouldn't as a matter of fact.
The amygdala would respond even worse the second time after that really embarrassed first attempt. Right? And when we think about public speaking, usually we had a really bad experience, we were really embarrassed and that's why we're afraid to go back up and do it because we had such a bad experience the first time we never want to do it again.
So that's been debunked too. So we're debunking everything so far, So practice does not make you better. It makes you nine to thirty five times worse after a stream embarrassing And by the way, that is not just my my study. That's the Ivy League University psychology study that every single time we have a bad experience, probably speaking, it becomes stronger and stronger and stronger.
So myth number four, the worst one above and the one that gets on my nerves, and it's everywhere you read, every single blog, YouTube video, and speaking coach.
Calm yourself down with deep breathing exercises. This is the worst advice I've ever seen and I'm going to prove to you why this myth drives me absolutely crazy. So again, trying to calm yourself down with deep breathing exercises.
So the biggest mistake people make when they typically approach panic, although it sounds and feels understandable, feels natural, even logical is When I feel anxious, I need to calm myself down. This is the mistake. When I feel anxious, I need to calm myself.
Down. It's always the first instinct that we have in some version of it, right? I need to calm myself down. I can't feel this way now. I can't have a panic attack now, can't have one here. I need to calm down. This is gonna be really, really bad.
So what's the problem about this is it goes back to the amygdala. So even though it sounds logical and natural, The amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for keeping us safe from physical dangers or threats like we've learned before, and it's always on, it's always scanning, looking out for threats, And if it finds something that it thinks is a threat, it's going to sound the alarm, it's going to pump you off all that adrenaline, cortisol, the anxiety, and all those things that we hate about public speaking, that the fear of public speaking, the phobia itself, right? Now here's the kicker. Your amygdala is actually watching how you respond to things and it updates in memory and it learns from that.
So the key to how you respond to anxiety in the moment is going to determine whether it gets worse in that moment or gets better.
And it's very counterintuitive, but when you make the mistake of trying to calm yourself down and trying to calm your brain down, the amygdala automatically interprets that as a threat. And if you look over and try right here, avoid flea fight in common exercises all fall in the same bucket. That's right. Common exercises fall in the same thing as trying to flee or fight or avoid it, and that is flat earning threat learning.
We don't want threat learning. We want validation learning. We want safety learning. So whenever you try to calm yourself down to try to get rid of this anxiety, no matter how logical it sounds, your amygdala has picked up that this person is totally freaking out.
Hey, I was right. This is something really dangerous.
So each time we try to calm ourselves down, all our Midlas picking up is danger, danger, danger, And what does the amygdala learn? Well, it's learning that public speaking is legitimately dangerous to us as it starts sounding off the alarm and it gets louder and louder each time we do it. So the next time you present or speak, it's gonna pump you up with even more adrenaline and make you even more afraid and more you know, all those physical manifestations are gonna get even worse. So all the heart palpitations, the hyperventilation, dizzy spells, tunnel vision, butterflies, intestinal issues, shaking hands, screaming voice, all that stuff gets worse. And we're gonna learn more about this in my course. So we're kinda geeking out a little bit here right now. But I'm not gonna go too much deeper into this, but just to understand that what we've been doing all this time has it making your amygdala more afraid of public speaking.
So to recap public speaking coaches and seminars cannot help you with the phobia. Why? Because they teach Just know your content, practice makes perfect, and do the Deepgram comp exercise, right, everything that makes our fall be a worse. And their techniques have kept you stuck in high anxiety with even worse symptoms all this time. And again, this is a Ivy League University study, not my personal one.
And will all that free blog and internet and YouTube tips out there while you get what you pay for? When you pay for nothing, you're gonna get bad advice. So this is why when we search how to overcome our fear of public speaking, we just get a ton of bad advice, like trying to calm yourself down, try to distract yourself. Take deep breaths, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, we now know this feeds the cycle of fear. So not all advice is good advice. As a matter of fact, when it comes to this phobia, almost everything I read out there is bad advice.
Terrible advice, keeping your phobia alive all this time, and that's probably why you're here watching this webinar with me.
Speaking coaches cannot help. And as a matter of fact, did any of this bad advice work? Well, chances are you want to be sitting here and ninety five percent of people would love public after going through these courses, right? But it's been the wrong advice all this time. So we need to stop trying to calm ourselves down and send that message to our brain that anxiety is actually dangerous and it must be voided.
So until today, the biggest problem we had is this is all we was public speaking coaches. Right? Toast Masters, public speaking coaches. This is all we were offered.
This is all we're still offered, and they cost about four to eight thousand dollars for registration fees. They are day and location specific. So it might take you months or it might be in the next quarter. You might have to fly up to San Francisco or New York or wherever you are.
And that means airline costs are gonna be about eight hundred to twelve hundred. You gotta spend about fifteen hundred dollars a night for three nights. You gotta pay for food, You gotta pay for ground transportation, and you're gonna miss three to four days of work, which means we gotta come back. We gotta make up for all that work that we missed and time this way for family.
But worst off is not only does it cost ten thousand dollars in four days but you're still going to be terrified to speak in front of an audience and you miss three days of work, all that for nothing.
Well, starting today, that all changes. Your transformation blueprint begins now.
So it's time to pivot to the eight thousand pound elephant in the room, conquering your fear in fall via the real way the truth.
So I have really good news. No matter where you sat on that spectrum from the seventy percent With various level of nerves to the sixty seven percent that are terrified and even have panic attacks, the approach and cure is still exactly the same. Let me repeat that. The approach and cure is still exactly the same no matter how severe you are, even if you have panic attacks, and you're going to be anxiety and panic free with ninety nine percent certainty. Now, I guarantee it. And I'm going to take you there so that you can become free just like me Never looking back again.
Paradoxical freedom. Okay? Now, the one truth you need to know is it takes paradoxical approach to literally obliterate this very powerful and extremely unique phobia that has a fear grip on us. And I'm gonna show you how to take the opposite approach of what everyone says to do. So instead of fighting it or trying to calm ourselves down, we're gonna learn how to reverse and erase it.
So, the secret, paradoxical approach. What is a paradoxical approach for those who don't know it? Well, it's seemingly absurd or self contradictory. It sounds logical, right? But we now know that all the logical things did not work. So the key to the cures known as one important critical element, and it's something that nobody teaches Most don't understand, sadly not even most doctors or psychiatrists, public speaking anxiety, and panic, and many phobias take what's called a paradoxical approach, which is a logical or contradictory approach to conquer them, and I call this the paradoxical Freedom.
So we're going to actually obliterate most of these common symptoms you have, all those body sensations and anxious thoughts If you go down the list, I'm sure you you have a lot of these, like the panicky feelings, a loud anxious voice from pounding heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, shaking, There's a whole bunch of things on this list, but we are going to obliterate all of these symptoms in just days.
So you may be thinking, Bob, this seems a little harder than it sounds, and you're sort of correct, but not with my program. That's the beauty of it. It's actually pretty easy. So right now, your brain is currently set to auto resist and try to fight it.
Right? And try to calm ourselves down. And that's where my course helps. I'm going to provide you with the secret three pronged approach to break that pattern to keep us out of anxiety mode.
So before we go into my program, I really want to quickly hit why it's important to overcome your speaking phobia and how it will literally change your life like it has done for me. I've been over for over ten years now and my life has been completely changed from when I had to panic we're just going to spend literally just a couple of minutes. So just bear with me, but it's really important to understand why it's so important to get over glossophobia, also known as the phobia public speaking.
You see, public speaking is the most rewarding and a warning critical skill set for your career trajectory and personal growth. People follow leaders. And this is attained only to being able to speak to your audiences. Right?
So you wanna be able to share your expertise, educate others, be able to present, right, and showing off your visions to others. As a matter of fact, if you don't overcome this phobia and avoid at all costs, you typically won't reach ending above individual contributor or first level manager. You get stuck, right? And this leads to a low salary ceiling.
Low value, and you're never gonna attain the career growth that you always aspire to have. So living in fear and avoidance of speaking only robs you of the number one commodity saw at the top of the career value chain.
So I put together this really cool slide, and this is a sixteen year total average earnings. So, basically, this is what you make over sixteen years if you don't get over it or when you do.
And why did I use sixteen years? Well, I just, you know, when I talk to most of my clients, most of my clients I work with have had this phobia for at least sixteen years. So I just took a sixteen year. What happens if you get over it and what happens when you don't get over it?
So if you look at this red dotted line, Typically, if you don't get over your Fair Public speaking, you never get over individual contributor or manager in over sixteen years as an individual contributor, you're gonna make about a million dollars. And as a first level manager, over sixteen years, you're gonna make You're gonna make one point six million dollars. Now, while that sounds like a lot, when you come up here, really individual contributor, after all those mirror increases over sixteen years, That's gonna average seventy thousand dollars a year by the time you get to end at sixteen years, which is not a lot.
And starting off at a manager at seventy five thousand, Well, with all those merit increases over sixteen years by the end, you'll be making about a hundred and two, but when you think about that, that's like living paycheck paycheck, especially if you're living in a city like Atlanta or New York, forget about it. San Francisco, you know, Denver, if you're living in major cities, that's a really low salary and you're gonna be living paycheck to paycheck. You're gonna be struggling to make the bills If you wanna have a family, you gotta sit back and think we're gonna tighten, you know, the the belt.
But look what happens when you get over the phobia. Right? Even if you just get the senior manager, three point five million dollars over a sixteen year period. Right?
I mean, At individuals contributor, you're making two point five million dollars in that same period, and you're making two million dollars more just as senior manager, because senior managers can present now. Right? But the thing is once you get over your phobia, now you go to senior manager, but then you keep getting promotions, promotions, promotions, promotions. So if you stayed at senior manager for sixteen years, you're gonna make that amount of money.
But the thing is when you get over your phone, you're probably speaking, you're gonna keep going up the ranks up to ranks, up to ranks. So you're gonna become a director. Now, look at a director over sixteen years, five point four, vice president, seven point two. Senior Vice President eight point eight.
Now, all these salaries I've taken is from, a government site that gives you the average city salaries. So all I do is take the average salary and I added a four percent merit increase every single year plus the typical bonuses I go along with it this is what you make over sixteen years. Now, a lot of these things can be really much higher. You know, VPs can make much more depending on which company you're working for.
But these are the average companies, senior vice president, you can be making a well over fifteen, you know, million dollars a year. But this is average. And then CEO, Well, c o can go way, way, way higher than this, but what I did was I just took a five hundred thousand dollar base salary and just matched the bonus so basically sixteen million dollars. But honestly, we all know that CEOs make a ton more than that.
They get on board and stuff like that. But what is the real big thing that happens when you get over your fear of public speaking?
Well, we are no longer living paycheck to paycheck, right?
Now, we have fast upward movement. We're gonna have promotions and higher salaries. That means we can start investing all that money and this can be compounding investments with interest, and I'm not just about four zero one case. I'm talking about personal investing, like opening up a Fidelity account or t roll price or anything like that, and now you're starting to make money, not just for retirement, but your own bucket of cash.
So you can start paying cars with cash, put huge down offers on houses and early retirement, right? Nice vacations, in early retirement. Now at fifty three, I retired. Right?
Now I had this speaking for over twenty years, but at the age of forty, I got over it and then I became a great speaker and I shot up those ranks and I started investing, investing, investing, and now I semi tired. I'm fifty three and I'm doing what I love doing, which is helping people like you. I quit the corporate world of thirty two years. On my own boss, I sitting in and help people and I love doing what I do.
It's really rewarding, but I consider myself semi retired. I can do this wherever I want. I can do this job from Florida. I can move wherever I want.
I can be in Europe doing this and I do actually go on vacations. And while my vacations, I actually help people, with their phobia of public speaking, I just dedicate a couple of hours here and there. So real quickly, we're going to reach your maximum inner confidence.
We're going to fast track your career success and promotions We're going to enter senior leadership ranks with high salaries and wealth and unleash your realized potential.
You're gonna nail panel interviews with ease and confidence for the jobs that you want.
And all those other cascading benefits, personal fulfillment, happiness, emotional health, financial freedoms, Great relationships, investment strategies, being charitable if we want an early retirement goal. These are all the benefits that come with public speaking, and that's why I want to hit this really quickly. So let me ask you to pass off hour, I hope you've learned a lot and found this to be extremely informative and educational. And I can't cover everything you need on a quick workshop, especially a fast pass like this where I only want to go over with you for like thirty to forty five minutes. So with your permission, We are now gonna move into something because I have something really special that I wanna share with you so they can finally overcome and completely conquer your fears and anxophobia and public speaking forever.
So if you stick around, I'm gonna change your life forever when it comes to phobia.
So there is a solution, three really that almost nobody truly understands as you see now. Right? And I offer three prong paradoxical and counterintuitive approach to guarantee results and results fast. And I've been helping hundreds almost approaching a thousand now of professionals using techniques practice out of the comfort of their home with a lot of success no matter how severe they were on the scale of anxiety, panic, in avoidance.
So if you put your faith in me in my program, but more importantly you put your faith in yourself There is no way you will not benefit and overcome all those illusions of fear. And that's what all phobia is. It's an illusion of fear that's not a real physical danger threat. Obviously, public speaking is not a physical danger threat, but amygdala has hardwired as one, and we need to undo it.
Now I have hundred of success stories, and you can see them on all my website. I've got emails and videos, but here's three just to go over really quickly. So, Jim Paige, Jim Paige was an introverted engineer, and he got promoted to a sales engineer, which means he had it all setting going from the clients and do a lot of presenting And he called me up and he was about to quit his job. And I said, Jim, I said, give me a few weeks.
Don't quit your job. I wanna get you over's phobia. Of course within three weeks, we got him over his phobia, and now he loves presenting. He loves visiting clients.
He loves having luncheons, and he's now he's the center attention. Now, he's still an introverted engineer, but since he got over his phobia, he actually enjoys it. As a matter of fact, he recently called me up and just to thank me again. He had a baby and one of the great things about getting his phobia is that he didn't have to quit his job.
He's really successful. And now he's expanding his family. He's just really, really happy. Now, in the middle, Jimmy, Jenny was from London.
She was a marketing director, but she had hounding heart just going around the room and just introducing yourself. Right? So have you ever been at a spot where you just had to go around a board table and just introduce what your name is and what you do for the company? And also, by the time it gets to you, you're pounding hard.
You get the anxiety. You just want to leave the room. Well, she had all of that. But now she got over her phobia, and now she's leading boardroom table talks.
Now, pivot over to Sean. Sean is a little bit different. He was actually a public speaker in a way For his living, he is a medical sales director. So he sells medical devices to those big auditoriums at global universities and universities across America.
So his job is to get up on stage and present the newest, you know, technology Well, he had a full beat. He had a sorry. He had a panic attack, beginning on stage. And once he had that panic attack, he free doubt, and he called me up because he didn't wanna go back on stage again because he had a really bad experience.
So I was able to help Sean, and he says, you know, I I found Robert He literally saved my career as professional speaker, but he's a great normal everyday guy, but he saved me. Well, I didn't save him. My program saved him, but As you can see, I even help public speakers get back on stage when they get the fear. So introducing my signature course public speaking cure signature master course.
This is a master online video course with optional coaching.
And it's my complete step by step proven one hundred percent size back system in an all video online course just like today's prerecorded seminar. So it's kind of like a Netflix series, right? Now I do have two packages. I have a do it yourself course, and I have a coaching course.
I'm going to go into both of them. So from the comfort of your home, just spending a few minutes per day for a few weeks you're going to utilize three IV League University techniques to mimic real life scenarios, kinda like what US navy sales do to train their brains before going to a real threatening scenario. But they go in cool and calm, right? But we're going to bring all those mind and body sensations and we're going to be using our dinking brain in those physical forms of manifestations, and we're gonna numb them forever.
And then Step two is we're going to actually remove, we're going to pluck the phobia of public speaking, right out of our amygdala, it's a very small part of our brain, and we're gonna eliminate our phobia forever. So just to recap, first, we're gonna desensitize ourselves to all those physical manifestations And then we're going to actually remove the phobia from your amygdala, your brain, your fear response, your brain all together so you no longer fear public speaking.
So again, in my patent pending online video course, we are going to utilize three techniques to rewire your brain, also known as neuroplasticity, and strengthening your prefrontal cortex, our logical brain, so we can weaken the amygdala and teach our middle part of the brain to feel safe, and we're literally gonna reverse it in just twenty one days spending a few minutes a day. It's really fast. It's really easy. I think I need to correct how I spell easy. Sorry about that. That's proven and it's guaranteed, and it's the only online solution.
And I call this the butterfly effect. So, by the end of my program, we're going to turn your dreams and aspirations into a legitimate transformation.
So what does this mean? No more jitters, anxiety, nausea, heart pounding, sweating, and even panic for all those who were really afraid to get up in front of the crowd. So whether a boardroom presentation, a toast at a wedding, a panel interview, or a big stage speaking engagement, we are going to cover the entire spectrum. And why is this important? Again, so that you can live a phobia free life and speak to the world without anxiety and fear, and it's gonna catapult you into a life with great success for both your career and personal life with a huge boost in your confidence like I've done for myself. So really quickly, here's your transformational roadmap.
Your transformational roadmap and journey is gonna be comprised of three phases that are going to literally guarantee your success. And I have a little quote from Sun Zoo, and I love this for public speaking, and it goes like this. If you know your enemy and yourself, You need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy for every victory gain, you will also suffer a defeat. And if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. And I love this for public speaking because up till today, We didn't know the enemy or ourselves and that's why we've been struggling with public public speaking, but not anymore, we're going to teach you everything about it.
So phase one is understanding the enemy, your fear in the phobia public speaking, we're gonna learn everything about this fear and go over why everything we tried has been wrong. You know, we touch upon it in this class, but in my course, we're gonna go a lot more deeper into the fundamentals.
And then in phase two, we're gonna learn ourselves, our triggers, and we're gonna learn how to rewire our anxious brain. So now we're gonna learn the enemy and we're gonna learn ourselves. And then after that, we go into Phase three, and we implemented cure exercises this is a couple of weeks. So it's a three week program, and basically two weeks of simple exercises spending just minutes.
And I know time is really important to you all. It's literally just minutes as faster than brushing your teeth per day, for two weeks in these exercises, our Ivy University study exercises also practice in US Navy seals and West Point Academy to overcome your fear and phobia. And that's it. We're gonna understand the enemy, we're going to learn about ourselves, and then we're going to cure it.
So what are you going to get when you buy my course? Well, you're going to get the signature course to get over your phobia public speaking, and that is a twenty five ninety seven value way cheaper than those public speaking courses that cost over eleven thousand dollars. They couldn't even help you. And if you look over here, you're kinda seeing what the course looks like on the inside.
I'm kind of bringing you through. So if you click on, anxious brain part one, basically, you can see what it looks like on the inside. So there's me teaching you about the the brain and then basically down to another one. So this is like a fun brain teaser where we learn about the power of the smart brain versus the amygdala.
Let's just skip around. Just just just giving you to show you what it kinda looks like. So you can always see. It's it's a video, teaching course.
I'm always in the corner as you'll see kinda like I am today.
Teaching. So, basically, it's a three face video, all video course, and only takes a few weeks to get through the entire thing. It's really simple and easy. And the great thing is when you're over here, you can actually, increase the size to for your whole screen. You can go to different to speed, It's all ten eighty p HD in great audio.
So what else are you going to get? Well, now you're going to get my signature course with lifetime access twenty five ninety seven value, you're also going to get freedom. Now, freedom is a mini course that I created because my one on one clients, I learned my more one clients, but one of the things they always said is, but Bob, what about, you know, future pacing? Future pacing meaning, What if I have an event next week and I have lots of anxiety because I have something coming up next week or I have to do best man's speech or I gotta do the you know, some sort of event in a couple of weeks or a week from now, all that dread and sleepless nights.
So I created something called Freedom. And what Freedom does is it literally obliterates all the worry that goes into a future event. So say you had to present next week, and you're oh, you're you're gonna be spending all that time, you know, participatory dread and stuff like that. It gets rid of all the worry and all the anxiety, all those sleepless nights, and it puts you into a wonderful place.
So you're always having a great day. You're not worried about the public speaking event coming up You sleep like a baby the night before. So I included this mini course. It's just five simple videos, a small exercise that you can do.
Also, from the comfort of your home, which lowers your anxiety and email eliminates insomnia, and, of course, lifetime access, and that is about a nine ninety ninety seven value. But what else are you going to get? When you buy it, you're not just going to get the public signature course. You're not going to just get freedom, but you're also going to get How to use adrenaline as your secret weapon for peak performance, and of course, lifetime access to this video too.
You're gonna learn how to harness that little bit of adrenaline we get before we speak and how to be able to use it for pre performance. So when you're on stage, you're pivoting, You sound great, you really sound sharp, you're able to answer questions really quickly, where before when somebody asks this question, we would get nervous. Now you're going to be like, Boom. Boom.
Boom. On top of the stage, you're gonna be mastering the stage and I show you how to harness your adrenaline in this half hour video. You're gonna love it. So what else are you going to get?
Well, not only going to get the public speaking cure signature course, you're not going to see freedom, how to stop all that dread, You're not only gonna learn how to use a drone that's your secret weapon, but I also include another video called Hall panic immediately for getting on stage Now we get ready to follow-up via my signature course, but this is just like windows safety nets right before you get on stage, especially for really big events. So sometimes we have to get on stage for something really big or maybe you have to do like a toast in front of a a wedding of four hundred people.
This is more for like the big stage events. Big speaking events, maybe a toast at a wedding, and it helps us go into the mindset, and it's just a few minutes that you have to think about right before you get up there and this really helps a lot of my clients so that they would for those big, big stages or getting an award you know, or just like again doing a toast, it helps you stop from having any anxiety right before you're about to go up.
And it doesn't just stop there. So, you're not gonna get my signature course. You're not gonna get freedom. You're not gonna just learn how to use adrenaline just so you get weapon or how to halt panic right before you get on a huge stage event, but I'm also going to hand you a done for you, five steps to present like a pro every time.
And basically, this is a PowerPoint. It's a PowerPoint template. And basically, you just gotta fill in the blanks. Right?
So I have it done for you. And I even give you some some case studies and examples but it's a plug and play PowerPoint. It's a swipe file, easily worth four ninety seven, and I call it My five steps to present like a pro every time is my personal opening for anything I'm gonna do with some presentation or speaking gig This is my go to. Of course, you know, being a public speaker now for for a while, I have other things I do.
But for everybody else, This is a fail safe way to present like a pro every single time and it's a free download, so you're also going to use my technique can get my super bonus done for you plug and play PowerPoint.
So, recap, what are you gonna get? You're gonna get my public speaking cure signature course with lifetime access easily at twenty five ninety seven value. You're gonna get freedom, my mini course, a hot dread worry, and lower anxiety, eliminate insomnia with a lifetime access easily worth nine ninety seven. You're also gonna learn how to use adrenaline as your secret weapon for pre performance four ninety seven value.
You're gonna learn how to halt anxiety right before you get on a big stage or if you have to do a speak speaking gig where you're speaking in front of hundreds of people, you're gonna have lifetime access to that. Of course, that's a four night center value, and you're gonna get my plug and play five steps present like a pro every single time. So all combined, the total value of this is five thousand and eighty five dollars. Now, that is a lot less than the eleven thousand dollars that you would pay for coaches with their fees airlines, hotels, food, transportation, and then four days later, you still have the Foley Public speaking.
So instead of paying ten thousand dollars for five thousand dollars, you're gonna actually have a guaranteed way for half the time and out of the comfort of your home. But you're not going to pay five thousand eighty five dollars, right? I'm not going to make you pay five thousand eighty five dollars. Now, I honestly think it is worth five thousand dollars.
Let me just ask you this question.
Now personally, I think it's worth five thousand dollars, so let me ask you these questions.
If all this did was finally obliterate that lifetime of anxiety, dread, and all those physical symptoms, whenever you spoke in front of people, Would it be worth five thousand dollars? Can I get a yes for that? And if all it did was help you get that promotion into senior leadership making thousands more in salary and bonus, then when it get worth that five thousand dollars, can I get a resounding yes? And if all it did was lead to a really confident life full of success, great relationships, inner circles, early retirement, like I had done for myself at the age of fifty three, wouldn't it be worth five thousand dollars? Well, absolutely it would be worth five thousand dollars. And again, it's not gonna cost you the eleven thousand dollars at public speaking coaches that don't work cost.
And I'm not even gonna charge you to five thousand dollars, even though we just proven that it's easily worth five thousand dollars.
Starting today, you're gonna get it all for just four ninety seven. That's right. You're gonna get all of that for four ninety seven.
So to recap, what are you gonna get? The public speaking signature course, lifetime access, You can get Freedom mini course to halt dread worry, lowering anxiety, eliminate insomnia, and lifetime access. You're going to learn how to use adrenaline for your secret weapon to foresee performance, You're gonna learn how to halt anxiety for big stage performances, and you're gonna get my five step, filmed, done for you, blank presentation, How to present like a part of your time, all starting today, put four ninety seven. And I include a fourteen day trial.
No questions asked money back guarantee to take all the risk from you. So, basically, you get it in the course. You start taking it in fourteen days. You don't like it.
No questions back. You say, Bob, I don't like this course. Not for me. I want my money back.
But the beautiful thing is I've only gotten maybe three refunds in the last three years because it works for everybody. So that's why I'm able to guarantee it and give you this because nobody uses it because it works for every single person. It's guaranteed.
So no other coach, no other seminar is ever gonna offer you money back guarantee. They're not gonna give back your eleven thousand dollars. If you walk out that seminar two days later, say it didn't work for me. They're they're really gonna laugh at you and say sorry, we didn't work for you, but, you know, that's that's business.
Right? Well, I can offer this to you because I guarantee it and I am so confident in my course and that's gonna help you that I even put in a fourteen day free trial guarantee. And not only that I also offer payment plan. So you can start today for four ninety seven, but if you want to, you can pay in three payments.
Three monthly payments one ninety seven, and or you can pay in six months at one fifteen per month for six months. So if budget is issued for you, I even offer a payment plan, and you're still going to get all that stuff worth over five thousand eighty five dollars. Now a lot of people ask about coaching, and I do one on one private coaching. So if you want one on one private coaching with me directly one on one, Well, my prices are typically just under two thousand dollars, and you can look and book a free discovery call so you can calendar and call me up and book a free discovery call with me directly.
You'll be speaking directly to me. No sales team. I'm a one man band, but just let you know what it What it takes is you're gonna get all those courses, right, everything that you saw before, plus three to four sessions with me at about fifty two an hour each. You're going to get that free discovery call, but I want to let you know it's limit fees per month.
I only typically work with about a to ten, sometimes eleven or twelve people per month. So my time is really valuable, and I also wanna give you the best experience. So I it is limited I want you to let you know, this is for serious inquiries only. So you can you'll see a button to book a call with me, calendar call with me, get out a free discovery call, to go over my one on one coaching and it is approximately around two thousand dollars at this time.
But again, wanna go back to my do it yourself course, you get everything without the one on one coaching for just four ninety seven.
This works guaranteed. It's gonna help your phobia, but a lot of people like to have coaching and a lot of people can't afford coaching, and they're gonna want somebody who's gonna hold them accountable. So if you want that, check out my my free discovery call, but or move forward today, and you can start right now for four ninety seven, or as low as one hundred and fifteen dollars per month. I want you to sit back and envision this.
What would it be worth to you? If you knew that whenever you walk into a room, you command it the respect of everybody in that room.
How different would your life look like after taking this course in conquering all your fear of public speaking, what would it look like a few weeks from now, or how about a few months from now, or just think what you'll be a few years from now? Now, on the flip side, think where you'll be if you decide not to conquer your fears of public speaking and avoid it out of fear. Where will you be a few weeks from now? Where are you going to be a few months from now? And where is your life going to be a few years from now?
Now, I know from my twenty years experience before being cured and being in that horrible dreadful place of having panic, but now cured as a presenter, I know the answer, and I can say with all my heart, I only wish a great all inclusive course like this that I created existed twenty years ago for little old Robert Suma when I was stricken down with fear at the young age of twenty five. But I'm over it now I've gotten over it. I've been over for ten years. I became a great speaker.
I shot out the ranks and now with fifty three, I retired from a corporate job. Semi retired. This is what I do now for living out of the comfort of my home. That's why I only usually work about ten to twelve people per month.
Because my time is really important to me and my family is really important to me. So I'm confident that you're going to make the right decision and I look forward seeing you on the other side because we have a lot of fun work to do.
And I almost forgot the gift, I free gift I promise. You stay till the end. Well, congratulations on your here and you're still with me. For everybody who stayed until the end, I created a special gift.
You get a twenty percent discount off the course, so that four ninety seven now becomes three ninety seven with my discount twenty. All you gotta do is when you go to checkout, it'll say four ninety seven, or even for the monthly payments, you put in discount twenty, and all those payments are gonna drop twenty percent. It works for the one time payment, the three time payment, and even the six time payment plan, twenty percent off, put discount twenty in So thanks a lot. That's my special gift to you that nobody knows about.
It's not my website, unless it's a holiday sale. Sometimes I have a holiday sale, but usually I don't. Right now, This is my discount to you for staying until the end of this webinar just fast class So I just wanna say thank you. I'm gonna start going over some frequently asked questions for those who have more, questions about how this course works.